
时间: 作者:KA-CN


Last Updated: Mar 5, 2024

Effective Date: June 9, 2021

In order to better serve our customers, KA-CN (referred to as "this website" below) hereby issues the following disclaimer regarding the information posted on the website (including text, images, links, prices, software, audio, and video):

1. The information provided about the functions, versions, and usage methods of the products posted is provided by the seller independently. The accuracy, authenticity, and legality of this information are the responsibility of the information provider. This website does not provide any guarantees and does not assume any legal liability. Customers who wish to obtain accurate information should consult the manufacturer, distributor, or original information provider of the product.

2. The information provided about the prices, specifications, and after-sales policies of the products is independently provided by the seller. The accuracy, authenticity, and legality of this information are the responsibility of the information provider. This website does not provide any guarantees and does not assume any legal liability. It is provided for reference only. The specific prices of the products are subject to the prices in actual circulation. After-sales policies and parameters are subject to the announcements made by the manufacturer and distributor.

3. If customers have the intention to use or purchase a product after browsing the information on this website, please consult the product manufacturer, distributor, and original information provider before using/purchasing. This website is not responsible for any consequences of the use or purchase of the product. Any enterprise, organization, unit, or individual engaging in relevant activities on this website is deemed to have the independent qualification to engage in civil activities. This website will try to coordinate and handle any losses incurred by users due to unforeseen circumstances, but this website does not assume any responsibility unless it is related to product issues.

4. This website reserves the right to adjust product information (including but not limited to product prices, specifications, categories, models). This website does not assume any responsibility for any losses suffered by users due to adjustments made by merchants. If customers find any inaccuracies in the information, they may suggest modifications or deletions to this website. This website will promptly modify or delete incorrect information. However, as the modified information is not further verified, it is provided for reference only.

5. Users should engage in relevant activities on this website platform with honesty, integrity, and good faith, and must not engage in malicious deception, fraud, or intentionally or negligently harm the legitimate interests of this platform.

6. Users should strictly abide by the terms of service of this website. If the terms of service are changed or amended, users should comply with the changed or amended agreement, and this website shall not be liable for any changes or amendments to the agreement.

7. With your consent and confirmation, we may request you to provide some personal information through registration forms or other means. Please rest assured that we will not, under any circumstances without your consent, disclose any of your information to any third party in any way.

8. This website is obligated to ensure the normal operation of the website and make every effort to avoid interruptions in service or the website's inability to function normally due to unforeseen circumstances (force majeure or uncontrollable factors), thereby ensuring that customers can conduct transactions smoothly. In the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to the following situations, this website shall not be liable but will endeavor to minimize the losses and impacts on users caused thereby:

    (1) Any force majeure factors affecting the normal operation of the network, such as temporary shutdowns, power or system disturbances or failures caused by computer viruses, hacker attacks or intrusions, government regulations, resulting in website crashes, interruptions in transaction services, personal data leakage, loss, theft, tampering, or loss of related information, this website shall be exempt from liability;

    (2) This website shall give advance notice when services need to be suspended due to system maintenance or upgrades. In case of suspension of services due to hardware failures outside the control of the company or other force majeure, this website shall be exempt from any inconvenience and losses incurred during the suspension of services;

    (3) This website shall be exempt from any personal data leakage caused by users disclosing their personal account passwords to others or sharing registered accounts with others;

    (4) This website shall be exempt from any losses caused by incorrect or incomplete information provided by registered members;

    (5) If funds paid by users are suspected of being involved in illegal activities leading to the freezing of funds by relevant government departments, resulting in the inability of this website to provide services or suffer losses, this website shall be exempt from liability.

9. When using the website's services for product recharging, you understand and agree that the website only provides recharging services on behalf of the products. For any after-sales issues that may arise after successful product recharging, the website shall not be liable.

10. Once product recharging is successful, all related after-sales issues must be addressed directly with the manufacturer of the product. The website does not provide any after-sales support related to product recharging, including but not limited to refunds, returns, or exchanges.

11. This website endeavors to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of product recharging but does not guarantee that no technical glitches or errors will occur during the recharging process. This website shall not be held responsible for any delays, failures, or other issues in product recharging caused by technical malfunctions or errors not attributable to this website.

12. You should ensure that the information provided when using the website's services is accurate, complete, and valid. This website shall not be liable for any product recharging failures or other issues resulting from incorrect or incomplete information provided by you.

13. To provide comprehensive service to users, this website offers 365 days, 24/7 customer service. The customer service email is: kacn_support@kacn.com;

14. Anyone who accesses this website in any manner or directly or indirectly uses the information on this website is deemed to voluntarily accept the constraints imposed by this website's declaration;

15. For matters not covered in this declaration, please refer to relevant national laws and regulations. In case of conflict between this declaration and national laws and regulations, the latter shall prevail;

16. This disclaimer is interpreted by KA-CN. All content on this website is provided to better serve customers. This website does not guarantee the absolute timeliness, security, accuracy, and completeness of all information, texts, graphics, links, and other network services and projects. The content is only for visitor reference. KA-CN shall not be held liable for any commercial or legal consequences arising from the use of the content on this website.





1. 所发布的有关商品的功能、版本和使用方法等信息,为卖方自由提供,其真实性、准确性和合法性由信息发布人负责,本网站不提供任何保证,也不承担任何法律责任。客户若要了解确切情况,请向该商品的生产商、经销商或者原始信息发布者咨询;

2. 发布有关商品的价格、规格、售后政策等信息,为卖方自由提供,其真实性、准确性和合法性由信息发布人负责。本网站不提供任何保证,也不承担任何法律责任。仅供参考。商品的具体价格,以现实流通中的价格为准。售后政策与参数以生产商及经销商公布为准;

3. 若客户在浏览本网站某些商品的信息之后,产生要使用或购买该商品的想法的,请在使用/购买之前向商品生产商、经销商和原始信息发布者咨询。本网站不对该产品的任何使用和购买后果负责。凡是在本网站从事相关行为的企业、团体、单位、个人,均视为具备独立从事民事活动的资格,对于因突发状况等而造成用户的任何损失,本网站将尽量协调处理,非因产品问题本网站不承担任何责任;

4. 本网站有权对商品信息(包括但不限于商品价格、规格、种类、型号)进行调整,对于用户因商家之调整行为而遭受的损失,本网站不承担任何责任。客户若发现信息有误,可向本网站建议修改和删除。本网站将及时对错误信息进行修改或删除。因修改后的信息未作进一步核实,也仅供参考;

5. 对于使用、利用本网站平台从事的相关行为、网站平台中所涉信息等,用户应秉着诚实、守信、善意之理念进行,不得有恶意欺骗、欺诈之行为,亦不得故意或过失损害本平台的合法权益;

6. 用户应严格按照本网站服务协议从事相关行为,如服务协议发生变更、修正,用户应按变更、修正后的协议执行,本网站不因协议之变更、修正而承担任何责任;

7. 我们将在您的同意及确认下,通过注册表格等形式要求您提供一些个人资料,请您绝对放心,我们在未经您同意的情况下,绝对不会将您的任何资料以任何方式泄露给任何第三方;

8. 本网站有义务确保网站的正常运行,尽力避免因突发状况(不可抗力或不可控制因素)导致的网站无法正常运行或者服务中断,保证顾客能够顺利进行交易活动。如遇突发状况超出我们合理控制范围,包括但不限于以下情况,本站将无需承担任何责任,但将尽力减少因此而给用户造成的损失和影响:

  1. (1)任何由于计算机病毒、黑客攻击侵入或发作、政府管制而造成的暂时性关闭、电源或系统干扰或故障等影响网络正常经营的不可抗力因素,而造成的网站崩溃、交易服务中断或者个人资料泄露、丢失、被盗用被窜改或相关信息丢失等,本网站均得免责;

  2. (2)本网站如因系统维护或升级而需暂停服务时,将提前公告。若因线路及非本公司控制范围外的硬件故障或其它不可抗力而导致暂停服务,于暂停服务期间造成的一切不便与损失,本网站均得免责;

  3. (3)由于用户将个人账户密码告知他人或与他人共享注册帐户,由此导致的任何个人资料泄露,本网站均得免责;

  4. (4)注册会员提供错误、不完整等信息所造成的任何损失,本网站均得免责。

  5. (5)因用户支付的资金涉嫌违法犯罪导致资金被相关政府部门冻结,由此造成本网站无法提供服务或遭受损失的,本网站均得免责。

9. 在使用本网站服务进行商品充值时,您理解并同意,本网站仅提供代充值服务,对于商品充值成功后可能出现的商品本身的售后问题,本网站不承担任何责任。

10. 一旦商品充值成功,所有相关的售后问题均需您直接与商品自身的厂商联系。本网站不提供商品充值后相关的售后支持,包括但不限于退款、退换货等服务。

11. 本网站尽最大努力确保商品充值的准确性和及时性,但不保证充值过程中不会出现任何技术故障或错误。对于由于非本网站的技术故障或错误导致的商品充值延误、失败或其他问题,本网站不承担责任。

12. 您应当确保在使用本网站服务时提供的信息准确、完整、有效。对于因您提供的信息错误或不完整而导致的商品充值失败或其他问题,本网站不承担责任。


13. 为全方位服务用户,本网站提供365天7*24小时客户服务,客服邮箱:kacn_support@kacn.com;

14. 凡以任何方式登陆本网站或直接、间接使用本网站资料者,视为自愿接受本网站声明的约束;

15. 本声明未涉及的问题参见国家有关法律法规,当本声明与国家法律法规冲突时,以国家法律法规为准;

16. 本免责声明,由KA-CN解释。本网站的一切内容只为更好的服务客户,本网站不保证所有的信息、文本、图形、链接等网络服务及其他项目的绝对及时性、安全性、准确性和完整性,内容仅供访问者使用参照,KA-CN对因使用本网站内容而产生的相关后果不承担任何商业和法律责任。




